Whole school

Name That Movie Quiz - 20 questions Fun PowerPoint
A 20 question quiz in which learners will be shown a picture on screen from a well-known movie. The learners will they to guess the name of the movie and the answers are revealed at the end of the PPT.

Encanto Movie Inspired Movie Wordsearch Activity Sheet with Answers
Quiz and answer sheet provided.
Learners will try to find each characters name in the word search.

Back to School Quiz / Brainteasers / Games PowerPoint Fun Lesson Filler
A 20 slide back to school PowerPoint. This PowerPoint contains a mix of games, brainteasers and quiz questions.
Please note that this PPT contains games, questions and brainteasers taken from other free TES powerpoints and off websites on the internet. I compiled them all into one fun powerpoint. Thankyou for sharing your work on TES if I have used any of your work.

LGBTQ Classroom Poster - You Can Be Anything You Want To Be . Pride Month
A3 Classroom Poster.
Great for LGBTQ+ displays. The quote is based on the famous Freddy Mercury quote: “You can be anything you want to be.”

Working as Part of a Team Task Booklet: Health and Safety Assessment. C&G Employability Evidence
This resource is a group activity where members of a team inspect a building to identify any hazards that pose a risk to employees who work there.
This task has been used as part of a City and Guilds Employability module with adult learners. It has also been used as a team building task with KS3 learners.
The team must inspect the building and identify hazards, before using a ‘Risk Assessment Matrix’ in order to determine the severity of the risk. Following this, they will then take part in a group meeting to discuss their finding.
The seven page booklet has all the task sheets needed to complete the task and all instructions that the group must follow.

All About Me - back to school classroom icebreaker
Get students to answer the questions on the cards so that
their classmates can get to know more about them!

Teambuilding: Lost At Sea Who Will Survive Game / Activity.
This PPT has been adapted from a team building ‘Lost at Sea’ task that I found online ( https://insight.typepad.co.uk/lost_at_sea.pdf )
I have made it into a fun PPT which explains the activity, the rules and gives instructions on how to play this game.
I have also added a game sheet which I have adapted so that learners can work in groups.
My learners had fun completing this task.

Christmas Scattergories Game Festive Activity / Worksheet
When the Teacher says “Go,” the learners fill in the blanks with words that begin with the same letter. When they have finished they will shout “Happy Christmas!”
2X Game sheets.

Easter Scattergories Game Activity / Worksheet - Spring Fun
When the Teacher says “Go,” the learners fill in the blanks with words that begin with the same letter. When they have finished they will shout “Easter!”
Two games are included as well as a blank game sheet.

Speaking & Listening PSHE Group Debate: The Organ Donation Law
This PowerPoint helps to provoke a friendly debate within the classroom. This lesson was delivered as part of a PSHE: British Values Lesson. The focus this week was on democracy.

Platinum Jubilee Queen Elizabeth II - Cut out Queen Face Mask Template
This is a template to cut around for your learners to create their Jubilee own mask.
This is an image or Elizabeth ll’s face. The size when cut out should mask the perfect sized mask, My learners cut around the face and cut out the picture’s eyes. We then threaded a piece of thin elastic either side of the mask to wear a mask.
This is perfect for our upcoming jubilee party.

Design an Outfit for the Queen. Queen's Platinum Jubilee Task / Activity.
A great lesson filler.
Get your learners to design the queen an outfit to wear for her Jubilee!

Plan a Jubilee Party at your School Activity - Let's Celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee
Get your learners into a group and get them to plan a Jubilee party!

Teambuilding - Drop An Egg From a Height Challenge - Build a Capsule
A fun challenge where learners are asked to build a capsule that will support an egg that is dropped from a particular height.
This resource was created and adapted using other free resources from TES / Internet. I then put it into one PPT. It also contains an edited lesson plan / overview that was found online and then adapted for this lesson.

Design your Dream Classroom Teambuilding Task Working as a Team / Budget / Review / Design
A fun lesson where students are asked to design their dream classroom with a budget of £10,000.
PowerPoint and Workbook attached.

Plan a Christmas Party at your School Activity - Let's Celebrate Christmas!
Get your learners to plan a school Christmas party!

Coraline English Literature Novel Draw a Character Task - The Other Mother
Can your learners draw a picture of the Other mother based on her description in the book?